Scorecard Picture Service

PRO Membership Benefits in TheGrint App

Unlock TheGrint app's full potential with PRO! Get a USGA Handicap, advanced score tracking, detailed stats, and scorecard picture service. Try 7 days free!

Our Scorecard Picture Service and How to Use It

Discover TheGrint's Scorecard Picture Service! Snap and upload your scorecard for automatic transcription and advanced stat tracking.

TheGrint - Scorecard Picture Service (SPS)

Discover TheGrint's Scorecard Picture Service! Snap a pic of your scorecard post-round, and let our system sync your stats, handicaps, and scores.

What is TheGrint about? Certainly not a Golf Handicap Calculator

Discover why TheGrint is more than just a golf handicap tracker. Learn about our goal to enhance your golf experience.

TheGrint Golf Handicap Tracker Apps

Discover TheGrint's new golf apps with Scorecard Picture Service, score tracking, friends' newsfeed, and upcoming live leaderboards. Enjoy your golf!

TheGrint's Golf Handicap App has been updated

Check out our latest iPhone app with multiplayer score tracking, handicap stats, friends' activity feed, and more. Enjoy your golf!

Why did we start TheGrint? - Going back to Pencil and Paper

Relive the simplicity of tracking your golf handicap with TheGrint's Scorecard Picture Service. Snap a photo, send it, and enjoy hassle-free score tracking.
