TheGrint's Golf Handicap App has been updated


3 minutes

Hey everyone we have great news. We just released our latest iPhone app, and we are about to release the Android version in a matter of days. We wanted to let you know about some of its new cool features.

By the way, we have many more features to include in the pipeline, but decided to do this ones first from feedback we got from all of you, so thanks for your input, ideas and feedback.

New Golf App features makes it even better

There are several new features we incorporated.  The main focus was to look for ways to create more interactions between our users, allow to look at history of scores and to make sure to simplify usability. Here is the list:

Multiplayer Golf Score Tracker

While most of our members prefer the Scorecard Picture Service. We realized that some of our members enjoy tracking their score with their phone so they can look at their stats immediately after. With this new feature, you can now track up to 4 scores at the same time.

By the way, don't worry the usability is still the best in the market and it still gives you all the hole stats that so many of you enjoy so much.

Handicap Stats and More

One key feature here is that you will be able to check your handicap and that of your friends. It was a tool that we got many requests for.

In addition, you can now check your stats. It is still not as powerful as the website's graphs so we recommend you keep using the website to check your stats and analyze your game.

Finally, you can also check your previous rounds and the digital scorecards of each of those rounds.

Activity Feed from Friends

This one was an important feature that we needed to add to allow you all to see each other's activity. It is very similar to the website's one. You can see each other's achievements and all recent scores.

Future features

We are planning many new features for upcoming updates that will build on top of all the features we have already released.  We look forward to share all of those with you as well.

Enjoy your Golf!