My Profile on TheGrint App

Isadora Stapff

9 minutes

Hello Grinters! How have you been? Lowering your Handicap out there? Today I am bringing you a brief explanation about your My Profile on TheGrint App. It is where you will be able to set up all your preferences and personal information as well as find your media and activity feed.

To get there so I can guide you through this, first you will have to go to our Menu, those little nine dots on the top right corner. Right under your name you will see the “My Profile”. Just tap on it to follow us on the steps.

The main screen of our My Profile tab will bring your Picture, your GHAP or WHS#, your name and TheGrint username, and the QR Code that will allow people to add you as their friends instantly. You will also have the shortcuts to your Scorecards and to your USGA Club if you belong to one of those.


The My Bag section is where you will add your equipment.

From the Driver to the Putt, you can specify each of them by brand and model. If you use a golf club that is not listed there, you can request it right from the App and the Team will add the equipment to the list. Keep in mind that you can also choose your Team, which intends to show your friends your preferred brand of golf, and not the actual team that you play for if you belong to a league or Teams Competition.

Also, your “My Bag” section will populate the club list selection when you use the Shot Tracker feature. So if you want to have stats showing exactly what distance and how well (or not) you hit with each club by brand and model, make sure to add at least 14 clubs there. If you have less than 14 clubs, then the App will show you a general and random selection of clubs when tracking your shots.

In general, the most important part of that screen is the Account tab.

This is where you will add and/or edit all the details about your profile. From changing your password, personal information, and notification preferences, to managing your subscription, setting your preferred measure unit, and deactivating your account. Oh, that is where you have to go to log out as well.


Under Personal Info you can confirm your email address, name, date of birth, and gender. Make sure you have the correct gender selected because this will influence the teeboxes that will be shown to you. For example, if you select Female, you will only be able to select the tees available to them and consequently will have the female slope & rating applied to your scores, so make sure you choose the correct option.

Your ZIP Code also has to be on point, so we can add you to a virtual club near your location and along with other players that live nearby. It is a way of getting to know golfers around you and maybe scheduling some 4somes also.

The Home Course that you select on that section will be the one that determines if you score is a Home or an Away Score, like we explained in one of our articles this season. Fav Course is just to show off to your friends and let them know what is your favorite spot.

Toggle the Public profile ON or OFF to allow (or not) people to find you on TheGrint App. If you Profile is set to Private, then your scores will not appear on the Explore Feed to everyone, but people will still be able to see your scorecards if they go into your scorecards list. They will not see your personal profile or information, but the scores have to be visible for handicapping purposes.

On the Account tab you can also set up your notification preferences.

Turning ON or OFF each of those options will enable/disable notifications that you receive on your phone, through the App, and by email. If you turn off the App Score Uploads, then you will no longer receive emails with the details of your and so on. We have those options so you, as a grinter, can choose how, when, and why we get in touch with you.

We truly hope that you don’t get to a point where you need or want to deactivate or delete your account, but we allow you to do that there as well.

When you go back to your Profile, you can also switch to view your Activity Feed where you will see all the posted scores and activities on the App, and your Media, where you can view the pictures that you uploaded into the App.

Media Feed

Activity Feed

This is all you need to know about your “My Profile” section of TheGrint App. Stay tuned for more articles like that, we will break down the entire App to make sure all grinters experience the best of the best Golf App out there.

Happy Grinting and Hit’em Straight!