Top 5 Best Golf Grinters in 2016 - TheGrint

Luis Rivero

4 minutes

Top 10 Best Grinters in 2016

Have you wondered who are the Best Grinters from 2016?

These are the very hard working players who made the Top 5 Female and Male Grinters! Plus, we are showing a few of their Stats so you can see how they have these incredible Handicaps.

Let's start with the Ladies.

Now, just so you know, all of their information is from 2016 and they all had to have at least 30 Rounds last year. Their Handicap Index is the only Data that is current, taking all of their History into consideration.

Lets see the Top 5 Best Male Grinters from 2016

Pretty impressive, no?

Remember, practice makes perfect. These guys and ladies didn't achieve those Stats and Handicaps by just going out to the Course and playing a Round of Golf. They go to the Range and practice and practice and practice. They are always looking to improve every single part of their Game.

TheGrint Golf App can help you discover which part of your Golf Game is weak and needs improvement, so take advantage of it. Learn, practice and get your Golf Game to its best... Maybe next year you can be on this list! Who knows...

Male Top 5 Stats

Female Top 5 Stats

Blog written by: LadyGrinter