TheGrint - Golf Scorecard Penalties

Luis Rivero

4 minutes

TheGrint - Golf Scorecard Penalties

Golf is not a game of perfect... therefore Golfers are meant to make mistakes and suffer the consequences when showing their final Score.

We have all said it at one point or another: "If I could have avoided that OB I would have shot a 79.... If my driver had passed that bunker, I would have... if I had... if ... if...

And while many complaint that that's just golf, we wanted to be able to track that "What if..." feeling. So we designed a simple system to track strokes lost, so you can know how many Strokes you "could have saved" if you didn't make those mistakes and had those Penalties.

Below we have Mr. Bob Grint... this is an example of those Penalties we are talking about:

TheGrint Scorecard

As you can see Bob Grint shot 80 on a Par 72 Course. Our system gave him 4.5 lost strokes.

In this case we want to say that most likely if Bob Grint wouldn't have made those mistakes, he would have shot 76 or 75 (80 - 4).

However as you can see Bob was able to get the Par in 2 of those Holes where he had a Penalty, meaning that those Penalties didn't or wouldn't have hurt his Score (in this case), but these penalties can give you an idea of how many shots you could save if you were to avoid those miss shots.

Besides showing these Penalties on the Scorecard itself, we take those Penalties and use them for your Stats as well, so you can see how many Sand Saves you have in a Round or how many putts you usually have after a Water, Bunker, or even Out of Bounds.

The Graph below would be one of the Stats you would get when taking into consideration the Penalties you track while you play:

TheGrint Stats

If you track as much information as possible, your TheGrint App will help you understand your Golf Game, your weaknesses and show you what you should be working on to lower your Golf Handicap and enjoy the Game even more.

All this information can be very useful. Please let us know if you have any feedback or ideas of what we could do to make them even more useful.

Thanks again!

Blog written by: LadyGrinter