Games Feature of TheGrint App

Isadora Stapff

9 minutes

Hello Grinters! This week we bring you a full article about the Games Feature of TheGrint App!

It is well known that many golfers around the world enjoy the competition, especially if they have some side bets going on.

Thinking of that and per our own experience on the golf course, we made available to all our grinters (from FREE to PRO+ Members) six different games to be played during a round:

  • MEDAL - The most common way of competing in golf. Winner will be the player/team with the lowest overall score.
  • STABLEFORD - Classic game where you get points per hole depending on your score.
  • BEST BALL - The Match Play format. The lowest score on the hole gets the point, if there is a tie, then no one gets the point.
  • SKINS - Similar to Match Play, except that ties accumulate points for the next hole.
  • HIGH & LOW - You play two points on each hole. The “Low” point and the “High” point.
  • NINERS - 3 players playing for a Pot. You play for 9 points on each hole. Player with most total points wins it all.

And we have more coming in the near future!!! 🤩

We know how it can become a hassle to calculate on paper and pencil all the strokes, scores, presses, and what else at the end of the Round (especially when the Drink button was pressed more than a few times, or if you have to run home to that dinner party 🥲). For not only that reason, our Games Feature brings the excitement of competing in side games without the trouble of calculating everything. TheGrint App will do everything for you.


All you have to do is setup the round as you prefer, add your friends (partners or opponents), select the game that you will play and choose the formats accordingly. Tee up, hit your shots, and enjoy the time out there without worrying about the math!

So, to begin with, login to the App and tap on the Play button. From there you can go either way: Start a Round right away, EditRound Setup/Players, or Play on a Leaderboard. Yes, you can play games within Leaderboards, and Tour Events!!! Once you set up the Round and start playing, at the Score Tracker screen, you will see the Games Icon (dies) on the bottom banner. Tap on it and proceed to set up the game.

Games Icon


From there, the first step is choosing the game that you want to play. Then select the Player Mode, which will help you set how the points will be calculated, as Pairs, Pot, or War.

  • Pairs, Team A are players 1 & 2, and Team B  are players 3 & 4.
  • Pot is when all points are placed into a common pot and distributed to the winner,
  • War you will compete against each other individually.

Under the Games Settings section, you can choose if the competition will be Gross (no Handicap) or Net. Make sure you select the correct Handicap for all players in case you are playing net. Also, know that strokes given are calculated using each player’s Course Handicap for that Round. Choose the amount of points that the winners of Front 9, Back 9, and Nassau will receive, and tap on Create Game.


If you are playing Skins, Best Ball, High & Low, or Niners, then you will also have the option to choose how the Strokes are distributed. The USGA format is selected by default,

  • USGA Format: The best player plays as a scratch, and the other players receive the full difference between their Course Handicap and the Course Handicap of the best Player. As an example: if your Course Handicap is 5, and the best player of the group has a CH of 2, then you get 1 stroke each of the three most difficult holes.
  • Modified Format: Every player will get as many strokes as his/her Course Handicap indicates. So, if your Course Handicap is 5, you will get 5 strokes in the 5 most difficult holes, and so on.

So if you are a Grinter and enjoy those side games, make sure you get familiar with our Games Feature and I can bet you will have loads of fun out there with your friends. Also note that the games are available to ALL GRINTERS, including the Free members. We love games so much that we want everyone to play them!!!


Nevertheless, our Pro+ members have a little extra touch of thrill there! Apart from all the games, Pro+ grinters are also able to play several games at the same time and Press each and all of them. That's our Advanced Games Module. It is a way to bring more excitement, competition, and, why not, more side bets! I mean, they are Pro+, they deserve that!

So if you are a golfer and enjoy raising the level of competition among your friends, make sure to download TheGrint App and check out not only the Games Feature, but all the stats, GPS, Insights and so much more that we have to offer.

For you, loyal grinter, keep grinding and enjoying each day of golf tracking your scores and making the best out of the Games Feature of TheGrint App! We are always improving the App thinking about bringing the best experience in and out of the golf courses.

Let us know if you have  other games in mind, we are already working on some other options that will be available soon!

Keep Grinting and Hit’em Straight!