Stats Explained - "What-if" score?

Sam O'Brien

2 minutes

TheGrint has tons of powerful stats. Have you looked at your "Penalties" stats?

What stats are captured here?

  • Average penalties per round + split by penalty type
  • "What-if" score - the score you could have if you had no penalties
  • Target penalties per round based on your handicap level
  • Trended penalties per round for your last 20 scores (scores in your handicap)

What can you learn from these stats?

  • How many strokes are you leaving out there?
  • Are you "in range" for penalties per round based on similar skill level golfers?
  • What type of penalty do you have the most often? If its OB shots, thats crushing your scores, and can be more of a mental mistake than poor ball striking
  • By seeing this data, should you rethink your on-course strategy?
  • Does your data match how you intuitively think you've been playing?