Stats Explained - Putts Make %

Sam O'Brien

3 minutes

TheGrint has tons of powerful stats. Have you looked at your "Putts Make %" stats?

What stats are captured here?

  • Avg. Putts Distribution (1, 2, and 3+ putts)
  • Number of chances recorded by distance
  • Make % and distribution by distance bracket

What can you learn from these stats?

  • Are you a strong lag putter?
  • Are you missing too much from 7 feet in?
  • Are you significantly better or worse after a certain distance?
  • Where do you feel confident and where do 3-putts start to become a problem?

We don't ask you to input the distance of EVERY putt you take -- thats too cumbersome. But a simple entry of your first putt distance combined with your total putts for the hole can give you enough data over time to understand your putting strengths and weaknesses clearly.

How to enter first putt stats

  • Tap "Use Advanced Score Tracker"
  • Enter in first putt distance after each hole

Game-changer 🚨🚨🚨:

Track first putts made on your Smartwatch

  • Use the smartwatch to make this easier
  • Input simple stats after each hole
  • This makes stat collection mindless
  • More stat tracking = more insights

Smartwatch score and stat tracking is a PRO feature. Toggle on "Advanced Tracking" in round settings on your phone to use this feature on the watch.

*Compatible with apple watch Series 4 and up, or Android watches running Wear OS.