September News and New Features


3 minutes

September was a month of refinement for our website development team. We heard loud and clear from users that wanted more ways to connect with each other and brag about their achievements. So we worked mostly on that.

Also, this month we doubled again our BETA user base, we are now at 700. Help us out to continue to grow this base. The more users we have the more you and we benefit. Use our new "Invite friends to TheGrint" tool on the right hand side of your dashboard.

Here are some of the new features for this month:
(keep sending us your feedback at for new features)


Post on Facebook

We added a feature that allows you to post your score on Facebook. It will show your most important stats (Score, putts, GIR%, FIR%)

Activity Feed Commenting and Wall

You can now comment on every post. Also, now each profile has a wall that shows all recent activity of that user. You can also go onto your friends profile and post comments on their wall.

Redesigned Add Score Page

We got feedback and worked on making it even faster to post scores. The design changed and the scorecard now shows totals. This small change reduced our posting score time by 30%, so we expect you should be able to reduce your own posting time as well.

User lookup

You can now search for your friends simply by writing their name. No more Dropdown Menus!

iPhone update for iOS6 and iPhone 5's

The new iOS6 platform was unfortunately not compatible to our app and we had to make some minor adjustments. Now its ready.
Stay tuned, we are planning for tons of new features for our next version.

Remember all of our new features are guided by your feedback, so the more you tell us the more we will be able to solve your needs! This month of October you should see many more features come your way, stay tuned!