Most Declared Balls on TheGrint App

Isadora Stapff

5 minutes

Everyone has their favorite ball but is that the one they play? Today we are going to find out which are the most declared balls on TheGrint App.

In the  "My Bag" feature is where Grinters can declare what equipment they use, but we have a question for you:

Is the Ball that you declare on your TheGrint App the same one that you actually play or the ball that you wish you played every round? And, Do you always play the same ball?

With that in mind, today we are going to talk about the most declared balls in TheGrint App. Can you guess which one it is? From our pools and posts we can assume that most grinters know which is the most declared balls, but we still haven’t figured out if that balls that are declared are most likely the balls that you play or just that favorite brand that you would use just for special rounds, or in courses that water hazards and O.B. are not too aggressive.

To start with, I wanna share with you that we have 46 different brands with a total of 285 models of golf balls declared on the App. Yes, that is much more than those ones that you can name out of your head. (I was surprised as well!)

But of course the most declared balls are the ones that most golfers are very familiar with. It is also fair to say that the Srixon balls showed up in fifth place with 6% of users choosing it.

declared balls

Important Note: This exercise is just to understand the most declared Golf Ball brands in TheGrint and its community. So it might not reflect the overall market.

Reminder: Declare your bag here!

With that being said and shown, we can now talk about whether the balls that are declared are also the ones that are played.

As a golfer myself, I try my best to always play my favorite ball, which is also the one that I declared on the App. But we know that this is not the reality for most golfers. And I say that because if 39% of grinters played just the Titleist balls that are declared, then most of the other 200+ models that are out there would not be able to survive in the market.

In second place, with 15.5%, Callaway is also a big player when it comes to golf balls for grinters. TaylorMade (11.5%) and Bridgestone (8.5%) are not that far either. Taking off the 6% from Srixon balls, we have 41 brands of golf balls that share 19.5% of all the other declared balls. There are a lot of golf balls out there!

On the bottom of the list we have some brands that were declared by only a handful of people. And thanks to them we now know they exist! Quantix, Monsta, and Sugar are a few of those less known golf balls.

In conclusion, what matters the most is that you play a ball that suits your game, but most importantly that allows you to have fun and be out there hitting the fairways and enjoying your golf, tracking your scores, and using TheGrint App, of course!!!

So, comment below which one is your favorite ball and if you play that every time. Also, have you heard of a golf ball/brand that is so different that we might not have declared it on the App? Let us know, we wanna hear from you and make that list grow!!!

Keep Grinting and Hit’em Straight!