Improving Your Iron Game With Our Golf Score Tracker App (Feb 5th, 2014)

Luis Rivero

7 minutes

As you may have noticed we added a set of graphs in the Trends section called Par 3 Accuracy. We want you to be able to understand these graphs and use them to improve your iron game.

You used to be able to only use to track your golf game on many levels, but we were lacking some details on your irons game. You could only use GIR to see how you were doing, but GIR also depends on your driver, and the distance you had to the green. So the graphs were not as insightful as the ones we have now.

That is why we developed the Par 3 graphs that provides a ton of insight of your iron game. The way it works is that it uses the GIR information for par 3 holes only and it correlates it with the length of the hole and other data, which then throws insightful information to you.

If you don't have the Apps already, make sure you download them here (iPhone golf score tracker, or Android golf score tracker) so you can track this necessary information.

There are currently 4 types of graphs:

Par 3 Accuracy: Rounds

It is the Par 3 accuracy in its simplest form. It shows how many greens you hit on par 3 holes per round. This is an overall indication of your iron game.

Par 3 Accuracy: Average

This graph requires the "Tee Accuracy" info to be able to provide detail. However, even if you don't enter detail of how you missed it will still utilize GIR data to calculate your average greens hit.

This is how you can read the graph: 27% of the time the green was hit, 8% misses to the left, 5% misses to the right, 8% misses short and 0% missed long. Then 52% was missed but there is no detailed information of where it was missed.

Par 3 Accuracy: Hole Numbers

This graphs allow you to find your performance on specific holes. Or if you have a theory of not being able to warm up quickly, or get tired. It can also shows if your performance is better at the beginning or the end of the round. I personally use it when I am planning my strategy before playing on a specific course, so I can understand how I perform on each of the par 3 holes.

Note: When hole numbers do not have data it won't show anything. When a hole number has data but you have never hit the green, it will show "0"

Par 3 Accuracy: Hole Yardage

In my opinion the most useful graph of this section. It allows you to see your performance by length of hole. Which gives you insight into your performance for each club in your bag.

Most golfers (and if you don't you should) know how long they hit each club. And for most golfers the performance on consecutive irons is pretty much the same. Having said that, with this graph you can tell your performance with each club in your bag, therefore get insight into which clubs you should practice more when you go to the driving range.

The graph correlates your data with the length of the hole depending on which course and which teebox you played. We then take ranges (because teebox locations vary a lot). So there are 7 ranges.:

  • 100 yards: Shots on par 3's of 0 to 112.5 yards
  • 125 yards: Shots on par 3's of 112.5 to 137.5 yards
  • 150 yards: Shots on par 3's of 137.5 to 162.5 yards
  • 175 yards: Shots on par 3's of 162.5 to 187.5 yards
  • 200 yards: Shots on par 3's of 187.5 to 212.5 yards
  • 225 yards: Shots on par 3's of 212.5 to 237.5 yards
  • 250 yards: Shots on par 3's of 237.5 or more yards

So what? How do I use it to improve my golf game?

First is important to understand that your performance of the tee on par 3's should be the same or very similar on the fairway. Which means that this learning is applicable everywhere in the golf course.

This is critical as it allows you to understand which area of your iron game you are lacking. It also allows you to understand how you miss when you miss. And with this critical information you can do 2 fundamental things:

  1. Plan your shots better
  2. Practice weak areas of your game (based on data)

We hope this helps you play better next time you go out to play!

Enjoy your Golf!