Digital Attesting of Golf Scores in TheGrint

Luis Rivero

4 minutes

As golfers, we know The Importance of Attesting Golf Scores, also, that every round should be about improving our game, trying to beat your best score, and ultimately, lowering your Handicap. However, when competing in a tournament, or placing a bet with your foursome, you might be a tad grateful to have a slightly higher handicap to have an edge.

While golf is a game where ethics play a huge role, we all have that guy that we don't fully trust. Is he sandbagging? Is he entering only his good rounds? Missing putts on purpose or giving himself too many putts?

TheGrint addresses that internal pull and tries to increase the trust in the ecosystem with the functionality of Attesting Scores, which we’ll talk about today.

To make it simple, attesting scores means you vouch for a fellow Grinter’s score that day is true, and in turn, they review and vouch for yours if it is true. It’s an honor system that's been around forever, but got lost at some point in golf. We at TheGrint brought it back in the digital world.

An attested score implies at least one other person gives their word that a score uploaded reflects what happened on the golf course.

How do you attest to a score?  We made it really really  simple:

1) Every time you track a score for a friend, his/her score gets attested by you automatically.

2)  When you post your round, anyone who played with you gets a notification asking him/her to attest the score, there’s a little hand right next to it that says “Attest this score”.

As a general thumb of rule, it’s ideal to have at least 80% of your scores attested. That gives fellow golfers who may not know you and are competing against you, some peace of mind with the fact that your scores seem more legit.

So, if 80% or more of your last 20 scores are attested, your circle is Green. If only 30-80% of your scores are attested then your circle is Yellow. If less than 30% are attested your circle is Red. An easy (semaphore) way to display it!


Just to clarify, we’re not saying people cheat… we just want to make it a liiiittle easier for you to avoid the temptation. Let’s keep the integrity of golf together and continue to have fun!

Enjoy your Golf!