FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


20 minutes

How is My Handicap Calculated?

The Handicap Index is intended to represent a golfer’s potential ability. Therefore, it is not calculated using the Score Average. The Handicap is calculated using the Handicap Differentials of your best rounds. The Handicap Differential is: (ESC Score – Course Rating ) *113 / Slope Rating So, the more Scores you have uploaded to your TheGrint Account, the more accurate your Handicap Index will be. With the new World Handicap System (WHS), you only need at least 3 Scores of 18-holes (it can be a mix of 9-hole scores and 18-hole scores). The Index is calculated based on the lowest Handicap Differentials you have among your Scores. If you have 20 or more scores uploaded, the lowest 8 out of your last 20 scores will be the ones counting towards your Index. Also, with the new WHS, Handicaps are calculated every day (at midnight). In case you need or want to calculate the Course Handicap for one of your Rounds, this is the new Formula:

Handicap Index x (Slope Rating/113) + (Course Rating- Par). And there is your Golf Handicap Index!

Why is there a Combined Score in my scores list?

The Combined Scores process is done by the USGA, automatically. Every 2 9-hole Scores you upload to your TheGrint account, the system will combine them and add the Score to your Scores list as an 18-hole score. It will be shown as Combined ( C ). This is a new Ruleset by the World Handicap System. For more information, check out the USGA Rules Book (here), Rule 5.1b. Combined Scores can’t be deleted. If there is a mistake with one of the 9-holes used on the Combined Score, the 9-hole Score itself is the one that has to be deleted. When one of the 9-hole scores is deleted the following happens: 1. The Combined Score is deleted both in the WHS and in TG. 2. The "widow" score is now alone and if it's still eligible (within the time frame of the last 20 scores) the system will try to match it. If there's one 9-hole score waiting for a match they will be automatically matched. If there is no one pending, then the widow score stays as pending waiting for the next score to combine.

Do I get a GHIN# with my TheGrint account?

A GHIN# is a Handicap ID, which in TheGrint we call WHS#. They are equivalent but offered by different companies. However, both Handicap IDs are issued by the USGA, both Handicap Index is calculated in the USGA servers. WHS# is sold by TheGrint and GHIN# is sold by GHIN.com, but they are equivalent. In order to get a WHS# from TheGrint, you have to get a Handicap Membership or a Pro Membership. Note: If TheGrint is not able to provide a WHS# for you, you can always go to your Local Club and get a Handicap ID (or GHIN#) from them and then link it to your TheGrint account so you can continue using our Features and have a USGA Compliant Handicap Index.

What can I do if a Golf Course Scorecard or information is outdated?

There are two things you can do: You can use the Course Update Tool through our Website to update the information you saw we have outdated. You can find this link by going to Courses on the Top Menu Then click on “Can’t find a Course?” Then click on “Edit A Course” Search for the Course Then click on “Edit Golf Course Info” or Edit Scorecard” We will revise the information you update and we will Approve it (or we may disapprove it) as soon as we are able to Verify the information. You can send us an e-mail to Courses@thegrint.com with the Name and Location of the Golf Course we need to update and if you have their updated Scorecard with you, we would appreciate it very much if you could take a Picture of it and attach it to the e-mail you send us.

What does the “Private Upload” option means?

The Private Upload Option you see before you Upload your Score (through the App or Website) allows you to Upload that particular Score to your Account but it does not show the Score on the Activity Feed, meaning that no one will see that you Uploaded that Score to your Account. This doesn’t mean that that particular Score doesn’t count towards your Handicap or Stats, it does count. And if anyone goes into your Profile and to your Scoring Records, they will be able to see that Private Score.

I can’t search in GHIN.com / Can I use the GHIN App or Login to www.ghin.com with my WHS#?

Your WHS# Handicap ID and Index will be displayed in any Handicap Lookup performed in GHIN.com or any USGA connected Handicap Lookup. However, that does not mean you can login in GHIN.com The reason is because with our WHS# you are not getting a Login for GHIN. You are getting a Number that can be used to lookup your Handicap and Scores. Your WHS# can be searched within GHIN by someone who has an account with them directly or they can use our Handicap Lookup tool on the Website or App. Please rest assured that your WHS# was issued at the USGA servers and are fully compliant.

What does the PRO Membership includes?

The PRO Membership includes: Full Stats. Scorecard Picture Service: Wich allows you to take a picture of your Scorecard at the end of the Round, you send it to us and within 5 minutes we upload it to your Account (The 5 minutes applies if the Scorecard is sent within these Hours: Monday - Thursdays between 10am and 6pm. Friday - Sundays between 12pm and 8pm. Eastern time). The option of not having any Ads on your Profile. Shot Tracker for iPhone Users.

How does the Scorecard Picture Service works?

The Scorecard Picture Service (SPS) works like this: Take a Pic of your Scorecard. Send it to us and. We do the rest for you! It just takes 45 secs (yes we timed it!). In order for us to understand what you are writing, make sure to follow our guidelines. They are old-fashioned and very simple, here they are: Finally, if you want to enter more than just your hole by hole score you can do so following the below guideline for score, putts, penalties and fairway accuracy. Why did we invented and pioneered the Scorecard Picture Service? Our purpose is to simplify your life. We all like the old fashioned “Scorecard and Pencil”, but is so painful to then transfer your scores to a website that most people end up without a Handicap. And for those with the discipline, they still need to go through the hassle of remembering to take the scorecard, and uploading their scores to a spreadsheet or to a Handicap website, that would end up charging them for their own work. In other cases, people use apps, but frankly, you kill the golf mood when you are looking at your phone all the time, and getting distracted by emails instead of the greenery of the golf course. Our SPS service eliminates the need for all of that, although we still make it available for you to track it your self if that is what you want. We generally recommend that you track at least your Score and Putts, because it allows us to give you almost all the basic stats you need to analyze your game. But if you have the discipline, keep track of Penalties and Fairway accuracy and we will blow you away with the kind of graphs and analysis we can provide. Please let us know if you have any questions. We promise that once you have done it once it gets very intuitive and simple to use. We have done it many times and is worth it.

What are the Chairman Duties for your TheGrint Club?

You want to be the Chairman of your Club but want to know what you have to do before you apply? Here they are: Or you can Click Here, Login and see them right on your TheGrint Profile. TheGrint Chairman Duties To be able to form a golf club, the USGA requires one Chairman to supervise golf activities. Being a Chairman at TheGrint.com is extremely simple as almost all activities are performed automatically. To get started the potential Chairman needs to take and pass the USGA Handicap Seminar Chairman duties are highlighted in this document with (Chairman) TheGrint duties are highlighted in this document with (TheGrint) Members of a golf club should have a reasonable and regular opportunity to play golf with each other. Members should also be able to inspect each other scores. All these guidelines have been established by the USGA and must be followed strictly. Failure to follow these bylaws could result in removal from the club. ARTICLE I Golf club compliance prerequisites Section 1.1 The golf club must contain at least 10 members. (TheGrint) Section 1.2 Thegolf club must be licensed with the USGA. (TheGrint) Section 1.3 Chairman must take and pass the USGA Handicap Seminar. (Chairman) ARTICLE II Committee duties Section 1.1 The Chairman must understand the USGA Handicap System and revisit the content as needed to ensure keeping up to date. (Chairman) Section 1.2 The committee is responsible for the computation of each members Handicap Index and the publication on the 15th and 30th of each month. (TheGrint) Section 1.3 Chairman should ensure to the best of his/her ability that all scores are posted and are accurate (Chairman) Section 1.4 Is advisable that the committee sends a notice at the beginning of the season to outline the USGA Handicap system and stress the importance of reporting acceptable scores and the committees and chairman responsibilities: (TheGrint) 1.4.1 How and where scores are returned 1.4.2 How Handicap Cards will be labeled and issued 1.4.3 How Handicaps are verified on each revision Section 1.5 The committee should display USGA Course and Slope ratings for all courses in the area. (TheGrint) Section 1.6 The committee should display all members Handicap Indexes and Course Handicaps. (TheGrint) Section 1.7 The chairman should examine the results of the club’s tournaments.(Chairman) Section 1.8 The chairman has the responsibility of reviewing the data entered into TheGrint.com, applying all other procedures of the USGA Handicap System. (Chairman) Section 1.9 The committee has the responsibility of obtaining the scoring records of a new member. Same apply to members coming back to the club after being absent(TheGrint) Section 1.10 The committee must review the accuracy of the scoring records and the calculation methodology (TheGrint) Section 1.11 The handicap committee should have the ability to issue a player handicap card. These handicap cards will be distributed via website or email if the member is subscribed to this s ervice. (TheGrint)

Is the ESC (Equitable Stroke Control) calculated automatically when I upload a Score?

If you upload the Score hole-by-hole, the ESC (Equitable Stroke Control) is calculated automatically following the USGA Regulations and following this Table: If you upload just the Total Score, you would have to calculate the ESC yourself and upload that instead of the Gross Score. You can see the ESC on the Website, when you View the Scores.

Can you transfer my Scores to my TheGrint Account?

Yes, we can! This is how it works: You can transfer those Scores to your TheGrint Account using our Import Tool on the Website by going to: Scores Click on Add Scores Click on “Import Scores” Then, to import scores, simply Copy/Paste your Scores into the Table below. Organize your Table in a Spreadsheet with One Round per Row and Copy/Paste that table to the one on the TheGrint Website. Make sure you input the Course, Tee Box and Date for each Round. Or if you have the Pro Membership, you could send us the pictures of your Scorecards using the Scorecard Picture Service on the App and we would upload the scores for you. You can read more about the SPS Service in our Blog here.

Can I change my USGA Club within TheGrint?

The USGA Club you were assigned to is based on your Zip Code. Therefore, the Club you were assigned to, is the closest one to your Location. These Clubs are Type 3 Clubs, meaning that these Clubs are Virtual Clubs created just to provide a USGA Compliant Handicap. If your Club is not USGA Compliant because it is missing a Chairman and you would like to be the Club Chairman in order to have a Compliant Handicap, you can always request it by going to your USGA Club Section on the Website and clicking where it says “Postulate for Chairman Position”.

Why is my Handicap not updating?

There might be a few reasons why your Handicap is not updating or not showing what you think you have as a Handicap Index. The first thing you have to know is that Handicaps are revised twice a Month, every 1st and 15th of every Month (Handicap Revisions). Secondly, Handicaps are calculated using the lowest Handicap Differentials from all of your Scores. It is NOT calculated using your Scoring Average. To learn more about how the Handicap is calculated, you can go to our Blog and read the Handicap Article here.

I sent my scorecard through the SPS Service and still hasn’t been uploaded. Why?

If you sent us your Scorecard and more than 10 Minutes have passed and your Score isn’t in your Account still, it is probably because you sent it outside of our SPS Hours, but if you send it between the SPS Schedule and it didn't upload, send us an e-mail to scores@thegrint.com and we will check for you. As you might know, we have a Team dedicated to uploading every single Scorecard our Grint Members send through the SPS Service. They will upload your Score as soon as they receive it if you send it within these Time Frames: Monday - Thursdays between 10 am and 6 pm. Eastern Time. Friday - Sundays between 12 pm and 8 pm. Eastern time. If you send your Score after or before those Hours, they will upload it as soon as they get to it. If you send your Score within these Hours, your Score should be in your Account within 5 Minutes of sending it.

If I am playing a Tournament or with Friends, Non-Grinters, can they look-up my Handicap anywhere?

Yes. They can (it would be easier if they would Join TheGrint though). If anyone wants to look for your Handicap and Scoring Records, they can go to our Main Website, here. Then they just have to type your Name. Their Handicap Index will come up as well as their Home Course. On the right-hand side, the option to see their Scoring Record will come up.

What if I play a 9-hole or 18-hole Practice Round? Can I upload that Score to my Account?

Yes. You can upload that Round to your Account. All you have to do is before you start Tracking your Score using the App, select the Option that says “Practice Round” (located on the “Tracking Options”). Then just track and upload your Score as if it is a Normal Round. That Round won’t count towards your Handicap but it WILL Count towards your Stats.

I don’t want anyone to see my Scores or my Personal Information.

That’s no problem. You can actually make your whole Account Private, making your Scores and Personal Information not visible for Non-Friends. Your Friends are the only ones who are able to see your Scores and Information even if you have your Account as Private.

Do I get a Handicap Card with TheGrint?<

Yes. You do get a Handicap Card which you can see on the Website. It is located on the My USGA Club Section. There you will see the Option that says “Print Handicap Card”. As that option estates, you can Print your Handicap Card from there or you can also show it through the App (located on the Top Left Menu). Also, just so you all know, Handicap Cards are updated on Handicap Revision Days (1st and 15th of every Month).