No golf Handicap tracker talk today - Our findings at the 2013 PGA Show


6 minutes

No Golf Handicap Tracker talk today

We generally talk about golf performance, some of our Golf Handicap tools, or the USGA Handicap Index System. However, we spent last week in Orlando at the 2013 PGA Show and we wanted to share with you some of our findings there.

The 2013 PGA Show

For those who have never been or have never heard about it. The PGA Show in Orlando is the biggest event in the Golf Industry where thousands of players in the industry gather to share their products and services.

The first day of the show happens on a huge round driving range where  all brands allow you to test their latest equipment for upcoming releases. So yes, we did try the Taylormade R1 and many other clubs. The rest of the show is held within the enormous  Orange County Convention center.

Our findings!


Stitch golf ( Well made old school leader and woolen covers with pretty cool vintage design

G/Fore gloves ( Not new for 2013 but they remain at the top of our list of coolest products. They launched their new line of shoes this year at the show, which look really nice as well.

SaltyGrips ( We haven't really tested them for grip performance. We just thought they look really amazing on golf clubs. Check them out!

PushNPutt (  Great invention! It is basically a small flag for practice putting greens where instead of lifting the flag to take the balls out of the hole, you simply push it down and the balls come out automatically. A small improvement that I would certainly enjoy a lot.

TrueLinks wear ( The new models are even nicer than last year's. Had to be on our list

CaddyTrek ( Some of you may not know that this even exists. This cart carries your golf bag and follows you through the golf course (you need to carry a very small sensor that the cart follows).

One more fun thing we wanted to share...

On Thursday, before going out for dinner we decided to explore the mini-golf landscape in Orlando and found the best tracks I have ever played in. Disney's Fantasia Mini Golf delivered big time. It looks like an actual golf course with many contours that makes this a great challenge for skilled players. Forget about windmills and all that... this is the real deal.

Make sure to use our Scorecard Picture Service next time you play

Enjoy your golf!